Materials and guidance provided in are in the best intentions of bridging the knowledge gap of students about Competitive Exams preparation. The views expressed in this website are the personal opinion of the authors neither makes any claims or guarantee regarding the success at the Competitive Exams based on the what is listed in the website nor about the accuracy of the information published.
Every step is taken to avoid mistakes as far as possible in the study material, human errors are possible. Though we try to rectify the errors when it comes to our notice. neither nor its management team can be held responsible for the errors. Neither does not make any warranty concerning the accuracy of the information contained on the site, or any products available for purchase on the site. Aspirants are advised to cross-check the accuracy of any information if they are unsure of it. neither claims that the online Study Material published in this website as complete nor that these can replace all traditional textbooks. The strategy should be a mix of the online study materials, tips, and guidance for Competitive Exams provided in this website with the offline study materials such as reputed Govt. Text Books and Publications.